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Subject: Anavar 50 oxandrolone 50mg/ml steroid oil Injection
Message: Side ffect of Anavar : Anavar (oxandrolone) is quite gentle on your liver. This is probably the mildest oral steroid available. Most men can easily tolerate doses up to 80 mg/day, while most of the side effects of other steroids are not common in var. Therefore, Anavar is often the preferred steroid for many top female bodybuilders and other athletes. Anavar Cycles Anavar is great for strength and cutting, but not for swelling or weight gain. In other words, what I am saying is that everything you get will be solid. Personally, I tend to be a theory that basically claims that the more stable your income, the more you keep (by percentage). Think about it, this makes sense; people gain a lot of weight on high water-retaining steroids (Dbol, A50, long esterase, progesterone, etc.). ), but then lost the largest percentage of the proceeds. For steroids, the opposite seems to be the case, with steroids leading to less (or no) water retention (Anavar, Primo, Winstrol, etc.). So why do you keep such a high percentage of var benefits? Well, I think this may be because it has a relatively small impact on HPTA, which makes me say the last point; anavar won't completely shut down your HPTA, especially at low doses (unlike testosterone, it will end up at 100). The mg dose is turned off, or the deca will be turned off at the 100 mg dose). This may be due, at least in part, to the fact that Anaval is not aromatized (converted to estrogen). If your endocrine system and HPTA function properly, you should be able to use Anavar with minimal damage and even keep most of your values within the normal range . Therefore, Anavar can even be ideally used for bridging between cycles (possibly at very low doses below 10 mg), or as described above, for a 50-100 mg cut/strength cycle. url:
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