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99% L-Glutamine, 56-85-9

Create: 07/01/2016
Expired Date:never
Category: Antitoxins [Chemical]
Message:Product Description Characteristics: White crystalline powder with barely perceptile out and acid taste. Solubility: soluble in hot water, slightly soluble in water, practically insoluble in ethanol、acetone、aether. Usage:1.Building muscle:L-Glutamine plays an important role in protein metabolism, promotes a positive nitrogen balance,stimulates the release of growth hormone,insulin and testosterone, and prevents the loss of muscle. 2.Boost energy, endurance and stamina. 3.Enhanced immune response,improved recovery and faster wound healing. 4.Participate in the compound of Glutathione. 5.L-Glutamine is necessary for the health of the gastrointestinal tract,especially that of the stomach lining. 6.Glutamine readily crosses the blood/brain barrier and becomes glutamic Acid,an important. brain fuel. 7.Keep the normal function of kidney,pancreas and liver. 8.To be used as nutrition supplement,flavor enhancer. 9. Use in the cosmetic to keep moisture
City:Beijing Beijing[CN] 
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