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Epinephrine hydrogen tartrate (Steroids)
Alias; Adrenalin tartrate;Adrenalinium;epinephrinetartrate;Suprarenin tartrate;
CAS NO.:51-42-3
Molecular Formula:C9H13NO3.C4H6N6
Appearance: White or almost white crystals
Assay: 98.0% min
Packing: 20g-1kg /vacuum aluminum foil bag
Description. A white to greyish white, crystalline powder; odourless.
Solubility. Soluble in 3 parts of water; slightly soluble in ethanol (~750 g/l) TS; practically insoluble in ether R.
Category. Sympathomimetic.
Storage. Epinephrine hydrogen tartrate should be kept in a tightly closed container, protected from light.
Definition. Epinephrine hydrogen tartrate contains not less than 98.0% and not more than 101.0% of C9H13NO3,C4H6O6, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
Identity tests
A. The absorption spectrum of a 0.10 mg/mL solution in hydrochloric acid (0.01 mol/l) VS, when observed between 230 nm and 350 nm exhibits a maximum at about 280 nm; the absorbance of a 1-cm layer at this wavelength is about 0.8.
B. Dissolve 10 mg in 10 mL of water and transfer 1 mL to a flask containing 10 mL of buffer phthalate, pH 3.4, TS; another buffer having the same pH may also be used. Add 0.5 mL of iodine (0.1 mol/l) VS, and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Add 2 mL of sodium thiosulfate (0.1 mol/l) VS, and allow to stand for 1 minute; a strong red colour is produced (distinction from levarterenol, which gives a clear solution with a pink tinge).
C. The filtrate obtained when carrying out the determination of specific optical rotation (see below) yields reaction B described under 2.1 General identification tests, as characteristic of tartrates.
cindy1114 (at)ycccreate (dot)com