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99% Purity 3381-88-2 Superdrol Methasteron Steroids

Create: 09/04/2016
Expired Date:09/30/2016
Category: Chemical
Message:Product Description Methasteron (Steroids) Best Quality Steroids Hormone Methyl drostanolone/Methasteron powders/Superdrol powders/17A-Methyl-Drostanolone Methasteron Specificatons: 1. Synonyms: Methyldrostanolone, Superdrol Methasteron 2. CAS: 3381-88-2 3. Methasteron Assay: 97% min. 4. Molecular Formula: C19H30O2 5. Molecular Weight: 290.44 6. Packing: Foil bag or tin. 7. Delivery: Express courier. 8. Character: White crystalline powder. 9. Usage: Pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones. Superdrol Methasteron Applications: 1. Superdrol is an anabolic substance, meaning it promotes protein synthesis, and thus muscle strength. 2. When muscles become stronger, they grow. 3. Ultimately, Superdrol users experience large gains in muscle mass because their muscles become much stronger. 4. Another advantage to using Superdrol is that it does not turn into estrogen. 5. Many prohormones available start out as a testosterone-like substance in the body, but then eventually turn into estrogen through a process called aromatization. 6. Estrogen causes decreased strength, muscle loss and fat gain. 7. Thus, it is a promoter of the exact opposite traits someone who is taking Superdrol would want. 8. These characteristics arise after one stops taking the compound. 9. With Superdrol, however, the aromatization process never starts. 10. The compound does not turn into estrogen in the body, meaning much of the muscle gain and fat loss one experienced while taking it will remain after dosing concludes.
City:Shanghai Shanghai[CN] 
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