Message: | Description:
Elcatonin is a Calcitonin derivative which is transformed from eel's calcitonin by changing the S-S bond into the stable C-N bond. It inhibits the absorption and autolysis of bones, thus leads to blood calcium descending. In addition, it inhibits the bone salts dissolving and transferring and promotes the excretion of calcium and phosphorus in urine. Meanwhile, it inhibits renal tubules reabsorbing calcium, phosphorus and sodium and keeps blood calcium at normal level. It is mainly used for remitting or eliminating the pain caused by Osteoporosis.
As a kind of Electrolyte supplement. Elcatonin is a calcitonin derivative used as an anti-parathyroid agent. Specific application ways are listed as following:
1.) Take an alcohol swab to the stopper of both your peptide vial and the vial of the dilutent.
2.) With a 1cc syringe and draw your preferred dilutent. Choose an amount that will make measuring the final product simple.
1ml(cc) per 10mg vial of Melanotan would mean each 10 mark on a U100 slin syringe would equal 1mg of Melanotan
1ml(cc) per 10 IU vial of would mean each 10 mark on a U100 slin syringe would equal 1 IU of HGH
2ml(cc) per 10mg vial of Melanotan would mean each 10 mark on a U100 slin syringe would equal 1mg of Melanotan
2ml(cc) added to a 10 IU vial of would mean that the 20 mark on a U100 syringe would equal 1 IU of HGH
3.) Take the syringe with the dilutent and push it into the vial of lyophilized powder letting the dilutent dissolve the peptide.
4.) After all of the dilutent has been added to the vial, gentling swirl (do NOT agitate or violently shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder has dissolved and you are left with a clear liquid. The peptide is now ready for use. Store your now reconstituted peptide in the refrigerator.