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Create: 10/10/2016
Expired Date:10/10/2016
Category: Detergent [Chemical]
Message:Epimedium [Description] Horny Goat Weed has 2,000 years to used as a male function enhancer in China. Many cultures report that horny goat weed supports libido, erectile function, and helps to relieve menopausal discomfort. One ingredient, maca, is reported to support erectile problems, for men and women with low libido, and for women undergoing menopause. Horny Goat Weed (epimedium) is comprised of several species of epimedium, a leafy plant which grows in the wild, most abundantly at higher altitudes. ********************************************************************************************** [Function] 1.Epimedium extract used to treat hypotension and anti-osteoporosis function; 2.Epimedium extract own the effect of anti-aging, anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-inflammatory; 3.Epimedium extract with the function of improving the immune system and cardiovascular system,promote vasodilation; 4.Epimedium extract has the usage to strengthen sexual function, stimulate androgen hormones,activate sensory nerve.
City:Wuhan Hubei[CN] 
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