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Create: 10/10/2016
Expired Date:10/10/2016
Category: Detergent [Chemical]
Message:Name: Roflumilast CAS: 162401-32-3 Molecular Formula:C17H14Cl2F2N2O3 Molecular Weight:403.21 Quality Standard: USP32/BP2007/EP7 Apperance: White crystalline power Assay:99% Packing: 1kg/Foil Bag Function and Usage: Roflumilast is a selective phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) (IC50 = 0.8 nM) inhibitor. Inhibition of PDE4 prevents the hydrolysis of phosphodiesters, which play a key role in signal transduction. This compound has anti-inflammatory properties and is particularly effective at reducing inflammation in lung tissue.
City:Wuhan Hubei[CN] 
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