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Create: 10/10/2016
Expired Date:10/10/2016
Category: Detergent [Chemical]
Message:Product Name:Poly(acrylamide) Alias:2-Propenamide homopolymer CAS:9003-05-8 MF:(C3H5NO)n MW:71.07 Assay:99% Water solubility:soluble Appearance: Colorless or light yellow thick gel Uses: One of the largest uses for polyacrylamide is to flocculate solids in a liquid. This process applies to water treatment, and processes like paper making, Screen Printing. Polyacrylamide can be supplied in a powder or liquid form, with the liquid form being subcategorized as solution and emulsion polymer. Even though these products are often called 'polyacrylamide', many are actually copolymers of acrylamide and one or more other chemical species, such as an acrylic acid or a salt thereof. The main consequence of this is to give the 'modified' polymer a particular ionic character. Another common use of polyacrylamide and its derivatives is in subsurface applications such as Enhanced Oil Recovery. High viscosity aqueous solutions can be generated with low concentrations of polyacrylamide polymers, and these can be injected to improve the economics of conventional waterflooding.
City:Wuhan Hubei[CN] 
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