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Create: 10/11/2016
Expired Date:10/11/2016
Category: Detergent [Chemical]
Message:Detailed Product Description Healthy Cutting Cycle Steroids CAS NO.434-07-1 Muscle Growth Anadrol Oxymetholone Hormone Quick Details: •Product Name: Oxymetholone •Alias:Anadrol Anadrol 50, Anadrol50 •CAS Number: 434-07-1 •Molecular formula: C21H32O3 •Molecular weight: 332.48 •Purity: 99% •Appearance: White crystalline powder •Storage: Shading, confined preservation •Drug Class: Injectable steroid, bodybuilding steroid, bulking steroids •Effective Dose: 50 - 150mg per day Description: Anadrol, or Oxymetholone, is an oral steroid that has been used initially for treating anemia and muscle wasting diseases. 1. Anadrol is similar to testosterone, thus presenting the same characteristics- powerful anabolic and moderate androgenic effects.For people who want to see fast result in gaining muscle mass and strength, Anadrol is the right choice. It is considered as the strongest oral steroid available and the most effective of all oral steroids. 2. Oxymetholone has gained the approval of most bodybuildersAnadrol because of its strong androgenic and anabolic effects.Bodybuilders can achieve a dramatic gain in strength and muscle mass in a very short time. Users can already see results within 14 days of use with an increase in body weight of about 10-15 pounds or even more. Those who supplement with Oxymetholone can expect to see their weight to increase dramatically; however, the extent will largely be dictated by the amount of food they are eating. Individuals who are following a good bulking diet can expect increases of 20lbs in a matter of weeks and even as high as 30lbs in the same time frame is not as rare as one might think. However, if the calories are not there to support such growth, such as in a caloric deficit all the Oxymetholone in the world will not provide such a massive gain.Anadrol, as an oral steroid, has the characteristics of water retention. As a result, there is an immediate increase in muscle size.
City:Wuhan Hubei[CN] 
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