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Create: 10/12/2016
Expired Date:never
Category: Paraffin [Chemical]
Message:Neuropeptide SelankSelank (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro) Neuropeptide Selank is a synthetic derivative of the human body's naturally produced tetrapeptide Tuftsin. It is a hexapeptide whith a wide range of uses. It was first sinthesized in the late 1990's by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Science. Selank is used as an anxiolytic in the therapy of anxiety and phobic disorders, including generalized anxiety. Its action is similar to that of mild benzodiazepins but without the sedative effects. As a selective anxiolytic with a nootropic component, Selank can be used as treatment of depression, fear and general anxiety. It also reduces phsychic tension. This neuropeptide has passed all phases of clinical trials and is now being prepared for registration and mass production. Selank is closely related to Semax, a hexapeptide previously invented by the same institute. Some consider Selank to be a more efficient alternative to Semax - a drug currently approved for use in Russia and Ukraine. Both Selank and Semax seem to be less known in the western countries, due to the conflict of interest and subsequently lack of marketing efforts from the "big pharma" industry. Selank as a nootropic Recreationally Selank is used to improve one's ability to focus and concentrate, reduce mental fatigue, increase mental sharpness and increase memory and learning capacity. The first noticeable effect is usually stabilization of mood and general feeling of well-being.
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