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Methyltrienolone CAS: 965-93-5

Create: 11/27/2016
Expired Date:never
Category: Antibodies [Chemical]
Message:CAS: 965-93-5 Molecular Formula: C19H24O2 Molecular Weight: 284.39 Assay: 99% min. Packing: foil bag or tin. Delivery: Express courier. Character: White to light yellow crystalline powder. Usage:An anabolic steroid. pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. Tag: China raw steroid powder supplier, steroid hormone manufacturer Description: Methyltrienolone is a steroid compound that is mostly unavailable on the market black or otherwise. The reason for its obscurity is because it is so highly toxic to the liver that even doses of as little as 2 mgs a week have caused jaundice of the liver. Besides its toxicity to the liver, it will also cause sexual dysfunction and can cause other compounds it is stacked with to exaggerate the effects of estrogen in the body. Although this compound is obviously dangerous and not recommended for use by anybody who values their health, it is worth noting that its muscle-building and fat-burning properties are on par with the highest-rated steroids available today. Conversion Recipes: 97ml Ethyl Oleate 2ml Benzyl Alcohol 3ml Benzyl Alcohol 95ml Grape seed oil Applications: Steroids Hormone powders/Methyl Methyltrienolone/CAS No: 965-93-5 A potent, non-aromatizable androgen that is structurally similar to trenbolone and has been referred to as "oral tren." Effective dosages begin at only 25mcg.
City:Wuhan Hubei[CN] 
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