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Clomiphene citrate Anti Estrogen Clomid Steroids Musclebuilding Clomifene Citrate for Muscle Growth

Create: 03/23/2017
Expired Date:never
Category: Ether intermediates [Chemical]
Message:Description: Clomifene citrate (Clomid) (Steroids) Alias:serophene; pergotime; clomphid; Clomid Structural formula: C26H28ClNO C6H8O7 Molecular weight: 598.11 CAS NO: 50-41-9 Appearance: white or milky white crystalline powder Use: the goods to anti-estrogen fertility inducer, the objects in dysfunctional uterine bleeding, polycystic ovary, menstrual disorders and drug-induced amenorrhea and other gynecologic diseases Applications: Clomifene citrate is a recommended treatment for ovulation disorders caused by problems such as polycy stic ovaries or polycystic ovary syndrome (NCCWCH 2013:18). It may be used on its own or in combinatio n with another drug called metformin, which you take daily in several doses (NCCWCH 2013:147-8). It used to be used in some cases of unexplained infertility. However, it's no longer recommended for thi s, as there's a lack of evidence that it makes any difference compared to trying to get pregnant naturally ( Hughes et al 2010, NCCWCH 2013:18). Clomifene citrate may also be used in cases of unexplained infertility (NCCWCH 2004: 58), although there' s a lack of evidence that it really helps (Hughes et al 2010). Clomifene citrate blocks the effect of the horm one oestrogen in your body. This blocking effect tricks your body into bumping up levels of two other horm ones that are essential for ovulation. These two other hormones are: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) luteinising hormone (LH) FSH causes the eggs in your ovaries to ripen, ready for release. LH triggers the release of one or more m ature eggs from the ovary follicles. The egg or eggs then move down into one of your fallopian tubes.
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