Message: | Follistatin-344 is also the perfect choice for athletes who are no longer able to exercise regularly, or those
who have stopped playing sports, but want to stay though, in the form of massive muscle mass. It has been shown that the smaller the load on muscles and less physical activity, the higher the concentration of the subsequent Myostatin.
Peptide Follistatin-344 also has important implications for tissue rejuvenation. His pronounced anti-aging effect is comparable to that of Melatonin and other peptides, positive counteracting aging.
Follistatin, specifically Follistatin 344 (FS344), quickly gained popularity in the bodybuilding community as a potential supplement to rapidly increase lean tissue mass. Another protein, follistatin-related gene (FLRG) acts on similar pathways as FS344 regarding its muscle building properties. Increased lean tissue mass could give a bodybuilder an advantage in a competitive setting and be the differentiating factor between first and second place.
In short, follistatin does build muscle but not necessarily in humans. A number of studies support the muscle-building and anti-degenerative effects follistatin in rodents. Not only do increased follistatin levels correlate to increased muscle mass, but a lack of the follistatin protein at birth directly correlates to less muscle mass.