Message: | Specification:
Material : polyurethane coated wire rope
Aperture shape :square or rectangular
Aperture range : 2mm to big
Wire rope diameter range : 1.5mm to big
Tufflex is polyurethane coated stainless steel wire rope screen with the same open area as woven wire and huge advantages over traditional screens.
The Tufflex screen is made up of two types of ropes welded together. The rope running from hook to hook is a wire rope with a thick polyurethane covering.
This rope, with the wire, allows the hooked edge screen to be tensioned like other hooked edge screens, with no modifications to machinery required.
The same maintenance procedures of checking the screen tension applies to Tufflex screens. The other rope is made up of a fine synthetic cord, also with thick polyurethane covering, and runs parallel to the hooked edge. For side-tensioned set-ups, this rope acts like rider bars for larger stones to slide down the deck, channelling smaller ones closer to the apertures. This increased stratification improves screening efficiency. With the end-tensioned screens, this rope can be used on top,
running in a cross-flow orientation, or positioned underneath the rope with the wire.
More details contact us:
Huatao Group - Tufflex Screen /www(dot)tufflexscreen(dot)com
Email: maple(at)huataogroup(dot)com
Tel: 0086 0311 80690567
Mob: 0086 181 0331 7488