Message: | Model: GRPS20GRPS20 small machine room passenger elevator adopts the compact small machine room layout to effectively reduce the overhead space and cut down the building cost to the full extentGRPS20 FUNCTIONStandard FunctionTravel FunctionVVVF driveMotor rotating speed can be precisely adjusted to get smooth speed curve in lift start,travel and stop and gain the sound comfort.VVVF door operatorMotor rotating speed can be precisely adjusted to get the more gentle and sensitive door machine start/stopIndependent runningThe lift can not respond to outer calling,but only respond to the command inside the car through the action switchAutomatic pass without stopWhen the car is crowded with the passenger or the load is close to preset value,the car will automatically pass the calling landing in order to keep maimum travel efficiencyAutomatically adjust door opening timeDoor-open time can be automatically adjusted according to the difference between landing calling or car callingReopen with hall callIn the door shutting process,press reopen with hall call button can restart the doorExpress door closingWhen the lift stops and opens the door, press door-shut button,the door will be closed immediatelyCar stops and door openThe lift decelerates and levels,the door only opens after the lift comes to a complete stopCar arrival gongArrival gong in the car top announces that the passengers arriveCommand register cancelIf you press the wrong floor coomand button in the car, twice continuous pressing of the same button can cancel the registered commandDirect parkingIt completely accords with distance principle with no crawling in the leveling. It greatly enhances the travel efficiencySafety functionPhotecell reptectionIn the door open and shut period,infrared light that covers the whole door height is used to probe the door protection device of both the passengers and objectsDesignated stopIf the lift can not open the door in the destination floor out of some reason,the lift will ......url: |