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Single Column- Production Press

Create: 07/11/2016
Expired Date:never
Category: Hydraulic presses [Equipment&Machinery]
Message:he pres is designed according to your production purposes and your tools. It is manufactured standard with the pressure capacity from 100 to 250 Metric tons. The pre is constructed as a closed frame press. With a sophisticated control system it is possible to precisely control the pressing force and position during operation. It is possible to work position or pressure dependent. Features: - User friendly - Service friendly design, low maintenance costs by using only high quality components and tools - Sturdy construction and proven design which is a guaranty for a long life-span - Advanced control system with PLC - Computer optimised vertical frame structure with high rigidity - Adjustable stroke and pressure in the specified scope. - Pressure pre-release unit equipped in hydraulic system minimum hydraulic shock.
City:Konya, Turkey[TR] 
Jul 11 2016Single Column- Production Press554

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