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Continuous caster applied products

Create: 06/21/2017
Expired Date:never
Category: Quartz [Ore&Mineral&Mining]
Message:In recent years, continuous casting has been the mainly metal casting style, and thus continuous caster turn to be an indispensable equipment. According to different usage in continuous caster, refractor material has been divided into different types. Such as coating for tundish, which is mainly prepared for steel with strick requirements of phosphorus; dry vibration mix, which is the 3rd generation high technology product following insulation board and tundish coating. Except these, there are other different continuous caster applied material, and all of them have been used by many companies such as Yunnan **** Iron and Steel in Yunnan province, Angang Group **** Special Iron in Henan province, **** Iron and Steel in Shanxi province, and other companies in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and other countries.
City:Zhengzhou Henan[CN] 
Jun 22 2017Tundish applied materials471
Jun 22 2017Metal Mixer Refractory492
Jun 22 2017LF refining furnace463
Jun 22 2017Induction furnace applied products471
Jun 21 2017Converter furnace applied products473
Jun 21 2017Continuous caster applied products472
Jun 21 2017Blast Furnace Refractory483
Jun 21 2017Silica Sand493
Jun 21 2017Olivine Sand485
Jun 21 2017Kaolin Clay460

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