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High Quality Alcohol Swabs & Povidone-Iodine Prep Pads

Create: 01/24/2018
Expired Date:never
Category: Domesticized pet houses [Animal&Plant&Agri Supplier]
Message:Basic info. Povidone lodine(PVP-I) CTFA name: PVP-Iodine Chemical formula: (C6H9NO)nXI CAS NO. : 25655-41 -8 Characteristics: PVP-I is a complex of PVP with iodine. It appears as brown-red powder with properties of low toxicity, high efficiency and slow release. PVP-l can extinguish bacteriaI, virus, fungus, mildew and sporule effectively. It is a stable compIex without irritation and can dissolve in water completely. Specification: CP2010,USP32 Description: Exists as yellow-brown or red-brown formless powder having slightly special smell. It can dissolve in water and alcohol, not in diethylethe or choroform. It is stable complex with no irritation which can sterilize bacterial, virus, fungus effectively. It is the first-selected iodine-containing microbicide. Bactericide, virucide, fungicide or local anticeptic in surgical serubs or for other rapcutical purposes and protect patient from infection. . Microbicide for kitchen utensils in family. . Microbicide for food and feed industry. . Microbicide and disease-protector for animal. . PVP-I was accepted into USP26 & USP28 editor and selected firstly as iodine-containing bactericide and disease-protector in the developed countries. Skype:kevin_kafen WsApp:+8618027387093
City:Guangzhou Guangdong[CN] 
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