Message: | Intelligent control system make the operation more efficient and easier than ever before
*Hand controller on C-arm stand: control the mechanical and collimator movement, improve your workflow
even you are away from the unit.
*Hand controller on the work station trolley: select the mode of fluoroscopy.
*Synchronized dual touch-screen panels mounted on C-arm stand, with intuitive user interface and APR
parameters setting, make the exposure control at your hand all the time.
*Four dimensional motorized movement for easy and accurate positioning.
Reduce the radiation injury to doctors and patients to minimum
*Short, sharp pulses for clear images and the radiation exposure for the operators and patients can be reduced to a minimum.
*Motorized iris collimator with multi-leaf, supports high accuracy for selected x-ray field size.
*Crosshair overlay corresponding with laser light, designed for easily checkpoint location before operation, avoiding unnecessary exposure.
*Professional remote controller for exposure, allows operators retreating to X-ray exposure.
*Professional storage system for single and continuous images, reducing the repeatability of the exposure.
*The wide opening and depth of the arc make for precise alignment with minimum interference with the operating area.
*Double rotatable flat-screen monitors on the trolley, clearly visualize the smallest anatomical details even at an angle.