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Rubber Magnet Sheet

Create: 08/21/2017
Expired Date:08/01/2026
Category: Ore&Mineral&Mining
Message:Rubber Magnet Sheet  As with all magnetic materials, performance of magnet sheet depends on its complex formula and geometrie. We strive in this section to give rules of thumb and an appreciation of different materials which will help in the selection of magnets. Hands-on testing is definitely recommended (with papers/air gaps as necessary) to select the best magnet for the job.
Aug 21 2017Rubber Magnet Sheet420
Aug 21 2017Pot Magnets with Countersunk427
Aug 21 2017Disc Smco high performance magnet413
Aug 21 2017Ring high performance AlNiCo407
Aug 21 2017Ring ferrite magnets, High performance low price magnets411
Aug 21 2017motor magnet407

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