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Tri Tren 180

Create: 05/28/2018
Expired Date:12/31/2018
Category: Methacrylate intermediates [Chemical]
Message:Tri Tren 180 What's Tri Tren ? Tri tren is an injectable steroid with a high androgenic ratio. It is a potent agonist of androgen receptors and has been extensively used as a growth promoter. It is a progestin and does not convert to estrogens. The effects of Tri- Tren are increased weight gain, improved food conversion efficiency, decreased muscle RNA and DNA concentrations, and decreased free cathepsin Dactivity in muscle. As Tri-Tren is a time released multi ester blend, users will see effects immediately and upto three weeks from the initial administration Tri Tren 180 Contains: Trenbolone Enanthate 60 mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate 60mg/ml Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate 60mg/ml Description: Because Tri-Tren 180 contains Trenbolone Acetate, it will greatly enhance protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscle tissue. Proteins are the primary building block of muscle and they will promote enhanced anabolism, as well as providing protection during a caloric deficit. This steroid helps to give your body a greater level of recovery and it will retain nitrogen, so that your body doesn't go into a catabolic muscle-wasting state. The effects of this steroid are very remarkable. It is effective in both the cutting and bulking stages, but it is most effective in the cutting phase. This is because it will preserve your lean muscle tissue while you are losing body fat. This will help you to create the lean physique that you desire, whether you are a competitive body builder or an athlete.
City:Chongqing Chongqing[CN] 
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