Message: | Before any drug is put on the market, a lot of clinical research must be carried out. Clinical research includes many stages. Through the research on drug safety, pharmacokinetics and effects, the efficacy and safety of the drug are determined. Since its discovery, LGD4033 has undergone two phases of clinical research.
In a Phase 1 clinical study, investigators focused on the safety, pharmacokinetics and effects of LGD4033 in healthy men
In this study, 76 healthy men (21-50 years old) were randomly assigned to placebo or 0.1, 0.3 or 1.0 mg LGD-4033 daily for 21 days. Blood counts, chemistry, lipids, prostate-specific antigen, electrocardiogram, hormones, lean and fat mass, and muscle strength were measured during and 5 weeks after the intervention.
From this study, the researchers concluded that LGD-4033 is safe, has a favorable pharmacokinetic profile, and increased lean body mass without changes in PSA even during this short period of time.
On November 3, 2015, in a phase 2 clinical study, the researchers tested 120 patients after hip fracture surgery. The subjects were divided into a placebo group and different doses of LGD4033 over a 12-week test period.. By observing the changes of the subjects' net body weight, quality of life, safety and pharmacokinetics.