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YK11 side effects

Create: 01/11/2023
Expired Date:never
Category: Adhesive [Chemical]
Message: Does YK11 cause Gyno? Yk11-induced gynecomastia is very rare, but it is possible. Because SARM binds to the androgen receptor, autocrine testosterone cannot bind to the corresponding androgen receptor, resulting in an increase in free testosterone.In response to 5-alpha reductase, increased free testosterone convert to DHT, possibly leading to gynecomastia. So, Bodybuilders can add AI to treat possible Gyno during ingestion. Because at the end of the cycle, as the body adjusts to the increased testosterone, it reduces endogenous testosterone production, and androgens in the body reach a new steady state, with no excess testosterone convert to DHT by 5-A reductase. YK11 will have a slight testosterone suppression. YK11 is the steroid SARM, whose chemical structure is part of that of DHT, the more potent form of testosterone. Thus, YK11 mimics androgens and has a certain inhibitory effect on endogenous testosterone. That's why YK11 is comparable to steroids in bone and muscle. Although YK11 is an androgen and myostatin inhibitor, YK11 targets muscle tissue and produces incredible muscle growth with minimal androgen side effects. Therefore, Bodybuilders can ignore the side effects of YK11 compared to steroids
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