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SARM Acadesine/AICAR for bodybuilding review

Create: 01/11/2023
Expired Date:never
Category: Adhesive [Chemical]
Message: Acadesine/AICAR for bodybuilding is a substance naturally produced by the human body that plays an important role in many cellular metabolic processes in the body, and it is also a component of RNA synthesis. AICAR can stimulate fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in liver, stimulate fatty acid oxidation and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle, inhibit cholesterol synthesis, lipogenesis and triglyceride synthesis, inhibit adipocyte formation, and regulate insulin secretion. AICAR activates AMPK to improve performance by as much as 40% to 50% compared to conventional endurance performance. The test of AICAR in humans for a variety of conditions and proved to be a very safe drug at current doses. However, whether AICAR for bodybuilding is safe for specific use depends on the dosage and the quality of the products using SARM AICAR. As more and more people buy AICAR for bodybuilding, there are many middlemen selling SARM AICAR in the market. The actual effect of SARM AICAR is affected by the purity of the product. The higher the purity of the product, the better the application effect. We are the manufacturer of SARM AICAR and provide AICAR powder with purity higher than 99%. Each batch of products is tested by HPLC, MS and HNMR to ensure product quality. If you are interested in our products, you can contact us for more product information.
City:Hong Kong Hong Kong (sar)[US] 
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